Amazing Sport Stories

Amazing Sport Stories


Sport but not as you know it. Forget the champions. Amazing Sport Stories is about courage, underdogs, drama, myths and legends. These are global stories you’ll wish you’d known about and now proba...

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Sport but not as you know it. Forget the champions. Amazing Sport Stories is about courage, underdogs, drama, myths and legends. These are global stories you’ll wish you’d known about and now probably won’t forget. There are other podcasts about gold medals and millionaire superstars. Expect the unexpected. Tales from around the world, all told in mini-seasons and one-off episodes. #AmazingSportStories Previous Amazing Sport Stories include: Chasing Mountains: Five of the world’s top female climbers are thrown into a race. Who will make history by becoming the first woman to summit the 14 highest peaks in the world? The Black 14: Sport, racism and protests are about to change the lives of 14 American footballers. It’s 1969 in the United States. They’ve arrived on scholarships at the University of Wyoming to play for the “Cowboys”. It was a predominantly white college. The team is treated like a second religion. Then, the players make a decision to take a stand against racism in a game at another university. BA Parker takes us back to America’s turbulent 1960s to explore the injustice suffered by the Black 14. The Curse of County Mayo: Is one of Ireland’s Gaelic football teams cursed? Sports reporter Dave McKenna investigates this curious case to find out if a 70 year old hex is behind Mayo’s recent failures. Frozen Out: Twelve year old Justine just wants to play ice hockey… with the boys. When she’s told she can’t, she writes a letter which will change everything. Double Olympic gold medallist and former Canadian team captain Cassie Campbell-Pascall tells the story of Justine Blainey.

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