Backstory: How Research Papers in Economics Get Made

Backstory: How Research Papers in Economics Get Made


Tune into the Backstory Podcast with hosts Riccardo Di Cato, Aakash Bhalothia, and Santiago Cantillo for a deep dive into the behind-the-scenes process of economic research. Each episode unpacks the h...

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Tune into the Backstory Podcast with hosts Riccardo Di Cato, Aakash Bhalothia, and Santiago Cantillo for a deep dive into the behind-the-scenes process of economic research. Each episode unpacks the hidden journey from a paper's conception to its publication, sharing the challenges and triumphs scholars face along the way. Conceptualized by Paul Niehaus and brought to life by UCSD grad students, Backstory gives voice to the stories that academia often leaves untold.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Riccardo Di Cato, Aakash Bhalothia, and Santiago Cantillo. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Riccardo Di Cato, Aakash Bhalothia, and Santiago Cantillo och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.