the Quest Podcast

the Quest Podcast


Embark on an exhilarating adventure with "The Quest," a podcast hosted by me, Erik "The Primal Swede." Join me on my daring pursuit to become a world champion in ultra cycling. The name reflects th...

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Embark on an exhilarating adventure with "The Quest," a podcast hosted by me, Erik "The Primal Swede." Join me on my daring pursuit to become a world champion in ultra cycling. The name reflects the essence of the podcast – a deep dive into the journey itself, chronicling the challenges and triumphs on the path to this ambitious goal.

In each episode, I'll bring you insights from seasoned experts in health coaching, nutrition (with a focus on primal, keto, paleo, and carnivore), training, fitness, and movement, particularly geared towards endurance.

The podcast isn't just about my journey; it's a platform to learn from specialists about goal setting, motivation, and biohacking. Expect engaging discussions on topics like cold exposure, blue-blocking glasses, improved sleep, and more.

But "The Quest" goes beyond personal accomplishments. I want listeners (YOU) to feel inspired to set your own goals in the endurance field. It's a call to action, a push for individuals to move, strive, and achieve. Rooted in a primal lifestyle, ancestral health, and the relentless pursuit of mental and physical limits, the podcast promises to be a blend of fun, excitement, information, hands-on tips, and above all, inspiration.

Tune in to "The Quest" – where the journey is as compelling as the destination.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Erik "the Primal Swede". Innehållet i podden är skapat av Erik "the Primal Swede" och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.