Get Stacked Investment Podcast

Get Stacked Investment Podcast


Hello, and welcome to the get stacked investment podcast, where we delve into the exciting new world of return stacking. Join us as we break down complex financial concepts into accessible insights. S...

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Hello, and welcome to the get stacked investment podcast, where we delve into the exciting new world of return stacking. Join us as we break down complex financial concepts into accessible insights. Speak with leading experts in the space and analyze real world applications for return stacking. Get stacked is here to help you break out of the traditional portfolio construction mold. And get you to start thinking differently about the path to successful investing.  Corey Hoffstein is the co founder and chief investment officer of Newfound Research and Rodrigo Gordillo is the President and Portfolio Manager of Resolve Asset Management Global. Due to industry regulations, we will not discuss any funds managed or sub-advised by these firms on the podcast. All opinions expressed by podcast participants are solely their own opinion and do not reflect the opinion of neither Newfound Research or Resolve Asset Management Global. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. Clients of these firms may maintain positions and securities discussed in this podcast. For more information, visit

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